Lifestyle Dose


Written by The Dose Team

Discover what’s new in ios 16.

September is here. Do you know what season it is at that moment? Aside from the fall, it’s when Apple hosts their annual iPhone event that makes them the talk of the town—no, the world—and introduces their newest goods.

Additionally, Apple unveiled IOS 16, a new version of their popular software. People have differing ideas about it; some are avoiding the new update while others adored it to the fullest. Others are unaware of what the new IOS has to offer.

Therefore, we made the decision to compile a list of the best new iOS features:
1- Updated Notifications and New Lockscreen Options
2- Latest iMessages
3- Lookup using live text and images
4- Icloud’s new facial ID and shared photo library use
5- Improvements to Mail and Safari
6- Additional app improvements

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The Dose Team