The star-studded series “Aelat Al-Hajj Metwali” or “Hajj Metwali’s Family” is renewed for season 2, which is set to be streamed during the Ramadan 2024 drama marathon.
The series will be under the title of “Children of Hajj Metwali” and it deals with the sons of Hajj Metwally, who was portrayed by the superstar Nour El Sherif, as they try to preserve their father’s wealth.
The new season stars Wafaa Amer, Nermine Elfeky, Edward, Samira Sedki, Mohamed Abdel-Gawad, Abeer Monir, Nermin Mohsen, and others.
The new series deals with the sons of Hajj Metwally, who was portrayed by the late artist Nour El Sherif, as they try to preserve their father’s wealth.