Fashion Dose


Written by The Dose Team

In recognition of Christian Louboutin’s commitment to protecting cultural heritage, the World Monuments Fund, an organisation that supports initiatives to safeguard historic structures and monuments around the globe, has named the designer of the renowned red bottom shoes a recipient.
For his extraordinary contributions to the finance of the Colossi of Memnon project in Luxor, which saw the excavation of 113 sculptures of the goddess Sekhmet and numerous old columns, the French fashion magnate will receive the Hadrian Award.
Prior to being honoured at the 33rd Hadrian Gala on October 22, during the World Monuments Summit, Louboutin will take part in a talk on Egypt where he will continue to express his deep admiration for the nation and highlight the numerous significant ways it has impacted the world has influenced how he designs. Following that, the fashion designer will have a gala at his Madison Avenue shop, with a percentage of the earnings going to the World Monument Fund.

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The Dose Team